lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

La Verdad Oculta por los Empresarios de las telecomunicaciones.......

Vean como las empresas tienen sus intereses muy bien cuidados, ellos dictan las normas internacionales pagando conciencias.

2 comentarios:

The EMR Policy Institute dijo...

We have a request for your organization that requires us to send you an attachment. Please send me an e-mail address for the director of your organization so that I can send this request document directly to that person.

Thank you,
Janet Newton, President
The EMR Policy Institute

The EMR Policy Institute dijo...

We have a request for your organization that requires us to send you an attachment. Please send me an e-mail address for the director of your organization so that I can send this request document directly to that person.

Thank you,
Janet Newton, President
The EMR Policy Institute